Salvija is the precious kind of healer and coach that has walked the talk, so she’s authentic to what she teaches, as she has embodied it for herself first. She is highly intelligent, straightforward, with a great sense of humour and incredibly well connected to her body. She powerfully draws her unique and profound knowledge from her personal experience and developed her skills based on careful observation, testing, and applying on herself, discerning in practice what works and what doesn’t.

That is quite unique and stands out in the overall landscape of the coaching world. You’re not going to get some well-known recycled cliché stuff “with a twist”, things that you have read in many other books or conveyed by many other teachers…. No, that’s not what Salvija does.

She is not going to interpret for you your experience or “tell you” what to think, feel or do, she will create magic moments and opportunities to allow you to make sense of your experience in ways you had never thought of before, even if you already are a highly conscious person embarked on a personal development and spiritual journey for a while now.

You will be invited into the world of the magic within and discover how powerful you are in ways you never thought possible. You will see, hear, feel and experience yourself very differently after the retreat, as there’s a completely new version of you leaving this incredible journey she is able to create for you… (and it comes with the most delicious cacao ceremony you will ever have <3).

You will access subtle energies that lay within and reconstruct that underlying YOU with Salvija’s gentle and discrete guidance to the point of masterpiece, sparking that magic within.

I wholeheartedly recommend a retreat with Salvija to anyone who wishes to know themselves better, to connect more profoundly with their inner guidance and most importantly, to reactivate, reignite, recalibrate their relationship with their body and experience a sense of wholeness at a deeper level.

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